5 Tips for Throwing an Awesome Vape-Friendly Party - Velvet Cloud

5 Tips for Throwing an Awesome Vape-Friendly Party

April 09, 2019

We're here to share some fun party planning tips when you know that the vast majority of your guests are going to be bringing their own vapes, blowing clouds, and --probably-- offering to share their vapes and favorite flavors with each other.

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woman walking through airport at sunset

Can You Fly With Your Vape Pen? Get Travel Answers and Tips!

April 08, 2019

You can get the same vaping experience anywhere in the world.   But what about when you are getting on an airplane? The TSA already limits our ability to take liquids and other items on board, so are they cool with a vape pen?

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The Vaping Teen Trend: What Every Parent Needs to Know About Vape - Velvet Cloud

The Vaping Teen Trend: What Every Parent Needs to Know About Vape

April 08, 2019

What you really need to know about the teen vaping trend. We're not here to sell you something. We're strongly in the camp that vape is awesome - for adults. But as parents, we're no more in favor of teens vaping than you are. And we realized that there's a serious deficit of honest articles for parents out there on how to deal if you catch or suspect your teen of vaping.

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vape pen and vape juice

How to Avoid Buying a Clone or Counterfeit Vape Mod

April 05, 2019

Finding the right vape mod can be difficult when you are new to vaping. There are so many options to choose from it can make your head spin! In addition to learning about the different devices and trying out figure out which one is right for you, beginner vapers should also be on the lookout for clone vape mods.

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How to Plan a Non-Stop Vaping Road Trip - Velvet Cloud

How to Plan a Non-Stop Vaping Road Trip

April 05, 2019

Vaping on the road is one of life's great joys. Of course, the trouble with vaping road trips is that -- eventually -- your tank and your battery will both run dry. Though usually not at the same time. Fortunately, all you need to vape non-stop between departure and arrival is a little forward planning, and possibly a helpful vape-assistant riding shotgun.

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woman sitting on couch using vape

7 Steps for the Perfect All-Night Relaxing Vape Session

April 04, 2019

But what we can tell you, as highly experienced vaping individuals, is how to build yourself the perfect relaxing vape session. No matter where you are or what you're vaping, you'll dig this. 

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How to Get a Vape Tank Un-Stuck Once and For All - Velvet Cloud

How to Get a Vape Tank Un-Stuck Once and For All

April 04, 2019

Sometimes, on fateful days when the planets are out of alignment, your vape tank gets stuck closed. Maybe the tank is jammed on the top of your battery/mod. Or no matter how hard you twist, you just can't separate the coil from the tank, or the tank from the top. Here are a few vaper-pro tips for untwisting a permanently twisted vape tank. You might be surprised at what actually works.

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How to Be a Responsible Vaping Parent - Velvet Cloud

How to Be a Responsible Vaping Parent

April 03, 2019

This article is for people who are parents and want to enjoy vape safely around their children. You've probably read plenty of the anti-vape parent articles about talking to your teen and the gateway drug arguments. Most of these conclusions are not drawn from the actual studies being done, but we're not here to talk about that either.

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different flavors of vape juice sitting in wooden box

Why You Should Buy Vaping Supplies Online

April 03, 2019

Although you may have fun shopping at a local vape store in the beginning, the novelty will wear off eventually. That's why many people in the vaping community decide to shop at online stores. Here are several ways you can benefit from buying your e-liquid and other vaping supplies online.

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Vaping on the Go: How to Carry Vape Gear On Your Person at All Times - Velvet Cloud

Vaping on the Go: How to Carry Vape Gear On Your Person at All Times

April 02, 2019

When you want to vape on the go, there's an important question of how to carry the vape. Naturally, you want to be able to puff happy little clouds along the way, which means keeping your vape both easily accessible and --probably-- directly on your person somewhere. Today, we're here to explore the 9 most popular and totally cool ways to carry your vape around with you.

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Practical Vaping Gift Ideas. Woman gifts gift to man.

10 Practical Vaping Gift Ideas

April 02, 2019

If there is a special someone in your life that loves to vape, it seems only natural to get them vape-related gifts to show you care.  That's what we're here to cover today. 10 different practical vape ideas for varying levels of knowledge about your vaper or their rig.

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How to Avoid Getting Carried Away with Nicotine or Cannabis Vape - Velvet Cloud

How to Avoid Getting Carried Away with Nicotine or Cannabis Vape

April 02, 2019

As experienced vapers, we've seen a lot of first-timers get their feet under them and learn to maintain at exactly the right level for a happy lifestyle For each person, it'll take some trial and error, but with these tips, you should be able to avoid overdoing it and find your level with ease.

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How to Maximize Your Enjoyment of Favorite Vape Flavors - Velvet Cloud

How to Maximize Your Enjoyment of Favorite Vape Flavors

April 01, 2019

For most modern vapers, it's easy to get into a flavor rut. It doesn't take long to discover a mix that tastes good and makes you happy to vape. Today, we're here to share a few ways on how to get the greatest possible enjoyment from each flavor and puff you vape.

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How to Stop Worrying About Nicotine Withdrawal While Traveling with Vape - Velvet Cloud

How to Stop Worrying About Nicotine Withdrawal While Traveling with Vape

March 29, 2019

There was a time when any passenger on a flight could light up in the cabin with pride. But times have changed a lot and cigarettes were banned from airplanes long before vape became an inoffensive alternative. This means that travel is a bit of an ordeal for anyone with a nicotine habit, whether or not you smoke or vape. Any flight equals hours of nicotine-free discomfort. In fact, what your friends and family may take as 'hating to travel' might just be an ongoing nicotine withdrawal any time you have to set foot in an airport.

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Five Surprisingly Useful Vape Charm Ideas - Velvet Cloud

Five Surprisingly Useful Vape Charm Ideas

March 28, 2019

There are dozens of different kinds of vape charms. There are little rings of beads that add a little flair to a vape pen or mod box. There are huge dangling charms made with real feathers and glass beads, and everything in between. And like the custom keychain trend before them, there are vape charms that are purely decorative and some surprisingly innovative charms that are actually really useful. Here at Velvet Cloud, we think it's awesome when something has more than one purpose so today we're exploring some of the cool ways your vape charm could also be niftily useful to vapers on-the-go.

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5 Situations Where Disposable Vapes are Really Useful - Velvet Cloud

5 Situations Where Disposable Vapes are Really Useful

March 19, 2019

From a long-term vaper's perspective, disposable vapes are practically a waste. By logical deduction alone, we can conclude that there MUST be some use for disposable vapes among vaping demographics. Today, we're here to shine a little light on why disposable vapes exist by highlighting situations where even long-term vapers might really benefit from having disposable vapes on hand.

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5 Reasons Why It's Easier to Quit Smoking with Vaping - Velvet Cloud

5 Reasons Why It's Easier to Quit Smoking with Vaping

March 15, 2019

Here at Velvet Cloud, we strive to offer both nicotine and non-nic vapers the highest quality e-liquid options in the business. Because we believe that ever vaper deserves the best possible experience, nicotine or not. Ex-smoker or not. Whether you're here for medical reasons or just to enjoy a few big delicious clouds. Today, we'd like to say that we've known hundreds of ex-smokers and support each person in their own unique journey to perfecting, reducing, or leaving behind their nicotine use.

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Medical Nicotine Vape: A Life Saver for Those Who Benefit Medically from Nicotine Use - Velvet Cloud

Medical Nicotine Vape: A Life Saver for Those Who Benefit Medically from Nicotine Use

March 14, 2019

You are probably already familiar with the medical benefit of nicotine vape in helping smokers quit cigarettes and ease off their nicotine dosage over time. But this is even better news for people with Alzheimer's, schizophrenia, and anxiety disorders, and congenital depression who can mentally and emotionally benefit from nicotine and no longer have to look to cigarettes as their only source.

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Buy the Best VG Juice from Velvet Cloud - Velvet Cloud

Buy the Best VG Juice from Velvet Cloud

March 12, 2019

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A Naturally Tasty Experience with Max VG Juice from Velvet Cloud - Velvet Cloud

A Naturally Tasty Experience with Max VG Juice from Velvet Cloud

March 11, 2019

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young woman vaping

Seven Vaping Insights from Long-Time Pros

March 06, 2019

Today, we're bringing all the vape-veteran knowledge together into seven concise tips for beginner and intermediate vapers to learn. Because some lessons you don't have to learn from experience, though you probably will anyway.

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man vaping in office at desk

5 Tips on How to Vape at Work

March 05, 2019

Since you spend so much of your adult life at work, why not try to make it as enjoyable as possible? If you love to vape and would like to do it at work but are hesitant, there are ways to find out if it's allowed. Below are several tips on how to learn if vaping is permissible on the job.

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man vaping in car

The Most Dangerous Places to Leave Your Vape

March 04, 2019

Because you vape so much, you also sometimes leave your pen or box somewhere less than optimal. Today, however, we're here to talk about places you definitely shouldn't leave your vape, even if your last puff was right before work, bedtime, or friends arriving.

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woman drinking coffee and vaping

Tips to Prevent Vaper’s Tongue

March 01, 2019

Have you ever started to vape and realized that you couldn't taste the flavor of your e-liquid? Or maybe you noticed the vape juice had a peculiar taste? All of these factors are signs that you may have vaper's tongue or vaper's fatigue.

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3 Common E-Cigarette Issues (And How to Fix Them Yourself!) - Velvet Cloud

3 Common E-Cigarette Issues (And How to Fix Them Yourself!)

February 06, 2019

Even the best e-cigarettes can experience occasional issues. Here are some ways to familiarize yourself with what those issues might be. Know what the signs are and what steps you can take to fix the problems yourself.

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The Real(ly Insignificant) Safety Concerns About Vaping - Velvet Cloud

The Real(ly Insignificant) Safety Concerns About Vaping

February 04, 2019

As experienced vapers and artisan e-juice crafters who are 100% positive that our simple ingredients are no mystery, we can tell you that vaping is not nearly as dangerous as the fear myths make it out to be. We're here today to share with you the real(ly insignificant) safety concerns of vaping.

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7 Tips to Help You Quit Smoking and Start Vaping - Velvet Cloud

7 Tips to Help You Quit Smoking and Start Vaping

January 28, 2019

Use these tips for yourself or share them with a loved one who wants to improve their health and give up cigarettes for vaping. Although it may be difficult to give up cigarettes at first, vaping can make the process much easier and enjoyable.

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How to Find that Missing Bottle of E-Liquid - Velvet Cloud

How to Find that Missing Bottle of E-Liquid

January 25, 2019

As experienced vapers, we know all the usual hiding spots and a few secret escapes for runaway vape juice bottles. If you're ready to start the search, we're ready to show you how.

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Where and When is It Safe to Vape in Public? - Velvet Cloud

Where and When is It Safe to Vape in Public?

January 21, 2019

Velvet Cloud is here to talk about how to judge where and when it's safe to vape in public. These rules aren't always going to be concrete, law and local policies change all the time, but we can help you to stay out of trouble and increase the chances of finding cool places where you can vape away from home.

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Cartridge vs Tank : The E-Cig Debate - Velvet Cloud

Cartridge vs Tank : The E-Cig Debate

January 19, 2019

In the vaping world, there are two very noticeably different crowds. Those who puff with one-use cartridges and those who refill their tanks with bottled e-liquid. It's one we're all familiar with, but few mentions as we unite to forward the cause of vaping as a right.  Disposable vs Reusable became Cartomizers vs Tanks. E-Cigs vs Mod Boxes. These two paths split the vaping industry very early, and are the natural endpoints for the many types of people who make vaping a part of their lifestyle.

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What Kind of Vape Flavors Should You Start With?

January 17, 2019

Whether you are planning your own introduction to vape or thinking of the perfect flavor for a friend, Velvet Cloud is here to help. What should your very first flavor be? Naturally, this will be different for each person. There's no perfect first flavor because everyone's tastes are different. Even your best friend's ideal first flavor will be different from your own. And that's grand.

So today, we're here to help you figure out what your first flavor should be. And after that, what kind of flavors you might want to try out!

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How to Do The 10 Most Popular Vape Tricks - Velvet Cloud

How to Do The 10 Most Popular Vape Tricks

January 15, 2019

Want to learn some cool vaping tricks to wow your friends? Here are step-by-step instructions on how to do ten of the most popular vaping tricks.

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a woman wearing a Velvet Cloud hat and vaping unflavored e-liquid

8 Advantages of Using Unflavored Base E-Liquid

January 09, 2019

There are many benefits to vaping e-juice that doesn't have a strong flavor. Here's a closer look at the differences between flavored and unflavored e-liquid and eight reasons why you should give it a try.

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an image of Velvet Cloud's white beard e-liquid next to a vape mod

Product Spotlight: Our White Beard E-Liquid

January 07, 2019

While some prefer natural tobacco-flavored e-juice and others prefer our tasty line of unique dessert e-liquids, finding some middle ground (or Middle-Earth, if you prefer) with flavors like White Beard lets you jump headlong into both worlds. Here's what makes our White Beard e-liquid a great part of the lineup.

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Indulge in Velvet Cloud’s Dessert Flavors for A Sweet Vaping Experience - Velvet Cloud

Indulge in Velvet Cloud’s Dessert Flavors for A Sweet Vaping Experience

January 05, 2019

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10 Types of Gear Every Vaper Should Own - Velvet Cloud

10 Types of Gear Every Vaper Should Own

January 02, 2019

Are you new to vaping and wondering what kind of gear you should buy? Since we know how confusing it can be for people who have never vaped to know what to get, we decided to create this ultimate gear guide. Read on to learn more about which vaping products you should consider buying and why.

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Choosing Between Lower Cost and Premium Vapor Juice - Velvet Cloud

Choosing Between Lower Cost and Premium Vapor Juice

January 01, 2019

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From A Place of Love Comes Vape Juice - Velvet Cloud

From A Place of Love Comes Vape Juice

December 30, 2018

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a close-up photo of man holding a bottle of Campfire e-liquid from Velvet Cloud

Get Away From it All With Our Campfire E-Liquid

December 28, 2018

Although you may be a little bit older and wiser now, who says you still can't enjoy the taste of yummy marshmallows, mouth-watering chocolate, and crispy graham crackers with our Campfire e-liquid blend?

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a man holding a guitar and a bottle of Velvet Cloud's vanilla custard e-liquid

Tips and Tricks for Vape Mod Maintenance

December 26, 2018

Vape mod maintenance is an important part of ensuring that your mod remains functioning properly and safely. Proper maintenance will also save you money, as you will spend less money replacing parts that have reached their end of life prematurely.

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a man on a bridge holding a bottle of e-liquid overlooking a busy street

How to Plan a Vape-Friendly Vacation or Business Trip

December 22, 2018

Traveling away from your home and favorite vaping spots doesn't have to mean leaving your vape at home or hiding it from the world. There are plenty of places to vape on your travels, especially if you know how to call ahead and plan your itinerary around vape-friendly venues.

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a picture of a man handing his female friend a bottle of Velvet Cloud e-liquid

Understanding the Significant Advantages of VG Based E-Liquid

December 21, 2018

While some vape enthusiasts consider the options of a propylene glycol (PG) and vegetable glycerin (VG) based e-liquids a matter of personal preference, there are significant advantages to selecting e-liquids made with natural vegetable glycerin.

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an image of Velvet Cloud's gingerbread flavored e-liquid on a table with cinnamon and other ingredients

The Perfect Holiday Gift: Frosted Gingerbread E-Liquid

December 20, 2018

Now that the holidays are around the corner, we wanted to shine a spotlight on the history of gingerbread, how our special Frosted Gingerbread e-liquid flavor is almost like the real thing, and why it's a great holiday gift idea!

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Velvet Cloud's nutty cookie e-liquid on a table surrounded by cookies and hazelnuts

Thinking About Holiday Gifts? The 10 Top Picks From Velvet Cloud

December 19, 2018

Our e-liquids make the ultimate gift for anyone who enjoys vaping! With so many delectable flavors, you can create a unique variety basket or load them up on their top favorite flavor. All of our e-liquids are made from all-natural ingredients, vegan-friendly, and have no weird additives in them.

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Vegetable Glycerin and Natural Flavors: Making a Difference in Quality - Velvet Cloud

Vegetable Glycerin and Natural Flavors: Making a Difference in Quality

December 19, 2018

With VC's thicker clouds often comes a stronger lingering flavor, enhancing your experience with the flavors you love. With high VG based juices, you’re also decreasing your likelihood of experiencing an allergic reaction.

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The Advantages of Vape Mods - Velvet Cloud

The Advantages of Vape Mods

December 18, 2018

If you are new to vaping, you may be interested in vape mods. In this post, we'll go over what features these devices have that the simple starter brands do not. Keep in mind that not every vape mod will have every feature mentioned. Learn more.

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The Top 6 Apps for Vape Lovers - Velvet Cloud

The Top 6 Apps for Vape Lovers

December 17, 2018

If you're new to vaping and would like access to different resources or would like to meet other people who enjoy vaping in your area, a vape app may be able to help!  Since we love all things related to vape, we wanted to shine a spotlight on five of the best vape apps available right now.

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a first-time vaper holding a vape mod in one hand and velvet cloud e-liquid in the other

A Beginner's Guide to Choosing the Right Vaping Device

December 16, 2018

Are you are thinking about buying your first device and don't know where to start? There are many options to choose from so it can be overwhelming at first, especially if you are new to vaping.

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10 Amazing Gift Ideas for Vapers - Velvet Cloud

10 Amazing Gift Ideas for Vapers

December 15, 2018

Are you struggling to come up with a cool gift idea for a loved one who likes to vape? Continue reading to discover some cool gift ideas that will make your loved one jump for joy.

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a woman sitting on a bench outdoors with a vape mod in one hand and velvet cloud e-liquid in the other

5 More Myths About Vaping

December 14, 2018

Here is a closer look at some of the most common misleading myths about electronic cigarettes that are spreading like wildfire in the vaping community and why they are false.

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