Can You Fly With Your Vape Pen? Get Travel Answers and Tips!

April 08, 2019

woman walking through airport at sunset

One of the great things about your e-cigarette is the portability. Transporting traditional cigarettes could be problematic. That was especially true if you were taking longer trips to destinations where your regular brand wasn't available. You were stuck trying out new brands that might not offer the same experience or taste like your old favorite. The prices could quickly cut into your vacation budget, too. But e-cigarettes are much easier to take along on your vacation! That means you can get the same vaping experience anywhere in the world.   But what about when you are getting on an airplane? The TSA already limits our ability to take liquids and other items on board, so are they cool with a vape pen? It's important to do your research before you get on board. But the bottom line is this: you can absolutely fly with your e-cigarette. You'll just need to follow some simple rules.

You Can Bring Your Vape On Board the Plane!

Here is the good news: you can bring your vape pen through airport security, no problem. Here is what the TSA has to say about vape pens

"Battery-powered E-cigarettes, vaporizers, vape pens, atomizers, and electronic nicotine delivery systems may only be carried in the aircraft cabin (in carry-on baggage or on your person). Check with your airline for additional restrictions. Remove all electronic cigarette and vaping devices from carry-on bags if checked at the gate or planeside."

What that means is you can bring your e-cigarette on board the plane with you. The only problem you will have is if you want to put the e-cigarette into your checked luggage. That's the luggage you hand over before security that goes into the storage hold of the place. That's because those areas of the plane aren't pressurized like the passenger cabin is. That increases the risk that the battery in your vape pen could explode. No one wants that.   So if you are planning to fly, just keep your vape pen on you when you board the plane or keep it in your carry-on luggage. And under no circumstances should you use it while on the plane. No airlines permit you to vape on board, not even in the bathrooms. Keep it tucked away until you reach your destination.

What to Pack So You Can Vape on Vacation

Now that you know it's cool to bring your vape pen on the plane, you'll want to make sure you have everything that you need for happy vacation vaping:

  • Your vape pen. Obviously. Although, if you do forget it, it's an excuse to buy a new e-cigarette while on your vacation.
  • Extra liquid. It's pretty easy to pick up vaping liquids on vacation, but you are subject to whatever price and ingredients are available. It's a good idea to pack at least some extra max Vg juice just in case.
  • Charging cables. Make sure you can plug in your vape and charge it up! USB chargers are probably the most universal option and a lot of hotels will have plugs to fit them. If you bring a wall charger, make sure you have a converter if it's required. 
  • Spare coils. Coils are the most frequently replaced part on an e-cigarette. Don't get stuck with an old coil and nowhere to buy one that fits your specific pen. Bring a spare or two for peace of mind.

Fortunately, vaping is pretty popular all over the world. So no matter where you are flying, if you find yourself without some important supplies, there should be a store nearby that can help you out. You may even discover some exotic flavors or equipment that you learn to love! 

man putting vape juice and pen into backpack

How to Pack Your Vaping Equipment Safely

Make sure your vaping gear is safe as you travel! With just a few inexpensive items you can help ensure that everything makes it to your final destination safe and sound. 

First, invest in a case for your e-cigarette. While you can keep it in your pocket, you tend to move around a lot when you travel. You'll have to pull it out for security, juggle it getting on the plane, and keep track of it throughout the flight. It's easier to keep it safe in a sturdy case and tuck it away in your carry on luggage. This will help you resist the temptation to use it on the flight, too (a big no-no with the airlines!). Look for a hard-sided case to protect your vape pen from bumps and drops. Your charging cable and spare cabled should go fit into the case, too, so everything is together and right where you need it. 

Secondly, make sure you pack your Vg eLiquid correctly. As it's a liquid, it will follow the same rules that all other liquids go by on the plane. If you want to put it in your carry on, you'll need to ensure it fits into your quart-sized plastic baggie with your other liquids. It's may be easier to keep the liquid in your checked luggage. Put it into a leak-proof container, like a sturdy plastic bag with a zipper or even a small food storage container. That way you don't have to worry about leaking liquid getting onto your clothing and ruining items. That's a terrible way to start your vacation! 

Send Us Your Vaping Vacation Pics

Now that you know how to take your vape with you on vacation, it's time to take to the skies! We'd love to see you using our max Vg juice while enjoying a far-flung destination. Snap a vape pic and tag us on Facebook or Instagram. 

And if you need to stock up on your mac Vg juice before you leave, head over to our online store. You'll find vacation-ready flavors like Campfire (for your outdoorsy vacay) and Catherine the Grape (for your tour of wine country, naturally). That way you'll have the juice you love without any added color or sweeteners and all in a natural VG base. Place your order now so you have what you need before you head out of town.