September 20, 2024
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September 06, 2024
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September 14, 2021
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September 07, 2021
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August 01, 2021
For most people, vaping at work just isn't an option. But what about business trips? For all you joyful work-traveling vapers out there, we've put together a few fun and helpful tips for vaping on business trips.
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July 30, 2021
Dear first-time vapers, you only get to experience your very first time vaping exactly once. Here are a few tips for avoiding the pitfalls that other beginner vapers make when setting up their first experience.
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July 12, 2019
Gift-giving isn't always easy. Even if you know everything about a person, sometimes it's nearly impossible to think of what to give them. There are tons of gifts you can give a vaper to make their life easier or their vape more fun. But what do you give a vaper who already has everything?
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July 11, 2019
If your coil has failed or has become much weaker all too fast, try cleaning the coil before tossing it for a new one. Here's how to safely clean your vape coil one step at a time.
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July 10, 2019
Right now, there's no such thing as a hands-free e-cig. There might be one or two wacky prototypes out there rigged up in someone's vape lab, but there's nothing you can buy online or in any vape shop that even approaches hands-free vaping. Which is totally lame, because who doesn't want to vape hands-free?
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July 08, 2019
For most of us, the term 'vape-ninja' is just a fun way to talk about vaping on the sly. We stealth-vape because it's fun, and to save the delicate sensibilities of people just don't 'get' vaping as we do.
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July 04, 2019
The key to happy vaping is a squeaky-clean vape rig. Even if you vape constantly, we all soon learn that cleaning your tanks, coils, and batteries are what makes the e-liquid taste best.
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July 03, 2019
Vaping is most often associated with nicotine consumption, but it doesn't have to be that way. Nicotine isn't required to vape, and many people find they prefer to vape without it.
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July 02, 2019
Once you've mastered the basics of vaping, you may find yourself wanting to change up your experience and try something new. There is a lot more to vaping than just using your standard e-cigarette.
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June 18, 2019
Welcome back to the second half of our two-part exploration into the depths of our summer collection of artisan e-liquid flavors!
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June 18, 2019
There's one thing we know for sure about every vaper in the world this summer: You're gonna be blowing some mad summer clouds.
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June 15, 2019
Every vape pen is a highly advanced and astoundingly simple electronic device. You could say vaping is a modern marvel of technology. One of the luxuries of being a high-tech society. Each little e-cig, vape pen, or mod box rig has a few essential parts that make vaping possible.
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June 11, 2019
From cute little e-cigs to mod rigs the hobbyists have been working on all winter; poolside is the perfect time to show off your beach body and your favorite vape.
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June 10, 2019
Drinking games don't have to result in puking, bad decisions, and killer dehydration headaches. Why? Because we can play them as vaping games instead!
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June 06, 2019
Are you scouring the internet for a good Father's Day present? We know how hard it can be to find the right gift for the most important man in your life. Fortunately, there are many unique gift ideas for fathers who love to vape e-cigarettes.
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June 04, 2019
Now that summer is around the corner, we decided that it would be a good time to share some helpful vaping tips that can improve your overall vaping experience.
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May 17, 2019
One of the most enjoyable benefits about the Velvet Cloud Premium High VG E-liquid vaping experience is the unlimited variety of sensuous flavors which adults love.
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May 16, 2019
A leaky vape is a common complaint of a lot of e-cigarette users. When you buy a premium vaping liquid like our Max VG blends, you don't want it leaking out all over. It's a waste of good juice. And while leaking vape juice isn't dangerous, it is annoying.
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May 15, 2019
Today, we're here to share more than the normal 'how to tell when your coil is burnt'. Today, we're here to talk about how to help your coils last for as long as possible, serving of delicious clouds until their last puff.
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May 14, 2019
Vapers are social creatures by nature. But if there's one thing a social vaper likes best, it's showing off their vape tricks.
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May 13, 2019
There's nothing better than curling up with a good book and your favorite vape pen after a long day. If you're a bookworm who's looking for something fun and interesting to read this summer we may be able to help.
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May 10, 2019
In the vaping industry, there's a great and widening divide between those who vape PG/VG blends and those who seek out VG-only flavors. It might surprise you to know that originally, no one cared a whit about the difference between PG and VG, which were both chemically suitable to safely suspend flavors and nicotine concentrate for vaping. However, over time, the differences between the two vape bases became more apparent. Opinions, studies, and allergies eventually made our decision for us: For anyone who is picky about clouds, health, or safety, VG is the only way to go.
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May 09, 2019
There are many cities and states that have welcomed vaping with open arms. So you can be confident that when you visit those areas that you'll be able to freely vape without breaking any laws.
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May 08, 2019
Peter Lynch, a renowned financial investor and fund manager, is famous for advising others to invest in what they know. If you are a member of the vaping community and already own a portfolio of stocks, you may want to consider investing in companies that produce vaping products.
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May 07, 2019
Quality is the cornerstone of success for companies in the vaping industry. A commitment to quality also helps ensure that vapers enjoy a superb experience every time they try a new product. Quality-minded companies also help safeguard against health risks and the use of illicit chemicals.
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May 02, 2019
There has been so much debate about whether vaping is good or bad, with everyone encouraged to take a strong stand on one side or the other. Healthy or unhealthy? Saving smokers or corrupting children? But for those of us who are already firmly in the 'Vaping is Awesome' camp, different debates come up.
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May 01, 2019
You're an avid lifestyle vaper and have been invited to a party... hosted by someone who doesn't vape. Unlike a vaper's party where you can expect to see a dozen different mod models and a competition for vape-rings, you'll have to play it cool with this crowd.
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April 30, 2019
You're that guy who's always offering to let friends try their new favorite vape flavor. Even if their friends don't vape. You're that cool girl who can cheer up a friend with cake-flavored clouds. You'd share a nicotine puff if a coworker asked to bum a cigarette. You, my friend, are the vape ambassador.
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April 24, 2019
It's likely that you are encountering vapers everywhere you go. It might be at work, at the bar, down at your local coffee shop, or even in your own home. Because it's so widespread, it's important that vapers use their favorite e-cigarettes and e-liquids in a way that's considerate to those around them.
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April 22, 2019
The way you store or vape matters a lot in how long it lasts, and the quality of vape that has been sitting on the shelf. If you want to stock up on vape and maximize the shelf life of bottles you're not currently using, you've come to the right place. Today, the Velvet Cloud team is here to talk about how you can keep your e-liquid fresh and ready to vape whether you're saving it for weeks, months, or even years between purchase and puff.
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April 19, 2019
You don't have to be a first-time vaper to be completely stumped by a vape tank. To be frank, vape tanks come in all shapes, sizes, and designs. Some open from the top, some open from the bottom, and some are weirdly unique to their model. None of them are like the cartridges that many vapers get started with.
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April 18, 2019
Getting started vaping is a lot easier said than done. Maybe you tried your first delicious puff off a friend's vape, or you're taking quitting smoking into your own hands by trying vape. But the first thing every first-time vaper discovers is that there are about a million different vape models out there to choose from. And as a beginner, of course, you have no idea where to start.
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April 17, 2019
In the vape community, e-liquid falls into a very strange category of household item. Is it a hobby item that goes in a kit, a non-perishable pantry item, a commodity that should be refrigerated? Is it long-lasting like industrial supplies or is it short-lived like groceries? If you vape fast enough, you might not even be aware that vape has an expiration date. But for slow vapers and lost bottles, it's important to understand that e-liquid can go off and you should be careful about the age of your e-liquid before taking a puff.
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April 16, 2019
If you can't stand the thought of leaving your vape pen at home while you're out exploring the world, we recommend that you try to find out which countries allow vaping beforehand so you won't get in trouble with their law enforcement. Read on to discover where vaping is illegal and which countries are the perfect getaway destination for people who love to vape.
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