Only the Best Max VG Juice Available at Velvet Cloud

June 21, 2019

Only the Best Max VG Juice Available at Velvet Cloud - Velvet Cloud

Ask any vaper and they’ll tell you – when it comes to vape liquids, you’re either a PG person or a VG person. Here at Velvet Cloud we certainly know where we stand. That’s why we use only the best Max VG juice for our signature e-liquid flavors. We never use any added PG in our products because we prefer the more natural route, and more than that, many people experience allergic reactions to PG liquids. VG juice works better for more people and fits in well with our mission to keep our artisan products as natural and organic as possible.

Using VG juice in all of our products gives our customers a superior experience when they vape with our liquids. VG liquids produce more vapor, allowing you to put out big, beautiful clouds of wonderfully scented vapor with every hit. The natural sweet notes of VG juice give our beloved dessert and fruit-flavored e-juices an extra pinch of sweet flavor without the need for any artificial sweeteners or actual sugar in the juice itself. In other words, because we use the best max VG juice as the base for all of our vape juices, we can keep them sugar-free and much more natural.

Our gluten-free, GMO-free, vegan VG juices are the best in the business because we care about what goes into our liquids and because we take special care about what flavors come out as well. Careful consideration goes into the way we layer every flavor, finding the best flavor notes to blend together into a deep, rich taste that goes above and beyond anything you’ve ever tasted before. Whether you’re satisfying a craving with one of our tobacco Beard blends, or indulging in a delicious fruity or dessert blend, you’re sure to taste the quality and care we put in.

We start all our flavors with the best Max VG juice, but as you browse through our selection you’ll find a wide variety of flavors and options. Many vapers enter the world of vaping by way of cigarettes, so of course, we have a collection of tobacco and menthol based flavors. You’ll know our tobacco blends by the beards they wear -- Blue Beard is a sweet Virginia and honey cured tobacco flavor with the fruity tang of blackberries and blueberries mixed in, while White Beard is a creamy treat of butterscotch and custard mixed in with a medium tobacco taste. If you’re thinking to yourself that it’s all fine and good to have fancy flavors, but sometimes what a person really needs is a strong, bold hit of plain and simple tobacco, you’re not alone. That’s why we made our Burley Beard e-liquid. Based on Flu-Cured Kentucky leaf, Burley Beard is a simple but rich flavor that cuts right to the chase.

Many vapers, however, are more after the sweet things in life and are seeking the best flavor combinations in the world. That’s why we’ve perfected so many delicious fruit and dessert blends. Taking a break with a sweet dessert can be just the thing you need after a long day, but if you overindulge in tasty treats, you’ll have to worry about carbs and gaining weight. Thankfully that’s not true when it comes to e-liquids! Our customers love to indulge in our sweet dessert flavors and they can use them as all day vapes without worrying about the scale or their diets!

One of the best examples of that is our dessert blend Mewlew’s Magic. A mysterious name befitting such a deep and bewitching flavor, Mewlew’s Magic is an amazingly layered blend of chocolate, fudge, butterscotch, and cream, like the greatest candy bar you’ve ever gotten your hands on. The different flavors all meld so well, complimenting one another and making a well-rounded, utterly satisfying chocolatey experience that you’ll never want to give up.

We can’t possibly forget about one of the best-known trends in the world of e-liquids. For years vapers have been mixing and matching their favorite fruity flavors, trading recipes and trying out different blends, all on the hunt for the perfect fruit flavor combination. We couldn’t very well say we’re fans of nature if we didn’t carry the flavors of nature’s greatest gift to vapers, could we? Of course not!

That’s why we’ve harvested the best of the best fruity flavors and set to work crafting beautiful, bright and fruity flavors that’ll make you say, “At last! I found my favorite!” If you like fruity e-liquids for the refreshing taste, then our honeydew, peach, and cucumber mix Melonomenon is exactly what you’ve been craving. If, on the other hand, you’re hunting after the ripe tartness of a freshly picked berry, the tangy Harvest Berry mix is sure to please with its trifecta of strawberries, blueberries, and raspberries, all sharpened by a subtle splash of cherry notes.

No matter which flavors tickle your fancy, rest assured that you can find the best max VG juice to satisfy any craving right here at Velvet Cloud!